Author Archives: davidnair

About davidnair

David, a Mentor, NLP Life Coach & Corporate Trainer to many. David's DEFINITE MAJOR PURPOSE (DMP) is to make a mindset shift in 1 million minds to stretch that little more in each of us, thereby contributing towards a better world for all of us and generations to come..... The Books, CD's, DVD's & Video's a man/women reads, sees and hears, maketh the person. The People he/she Associates with, grooms that person for Life. David's detailed experience could be found in the following links.

Mastering Remote Work: Unleash Productivity & Balance in the New Work Landscape 

Mastering Remote Work: Unleash Productivity & Balance in the New Work Landscape 

In recent years, the landscape of work has undergone a profound transformation, with the rise of remote work emerging as a prominent trend. What was once considered a perk for a select few has now become a widespread reality for millions of workers worldwide. As the boundaries between home and office blur, many find themselves navigating the uncharted waters of remote work, seeking guidance on how to thrive in this new work environment. 

Embracing the Remote Work Revolution 

Remote work offers unparalleled flexibility and freedom, allowing individuals to break free from the confines of the traditional office space and design their own work environment. Whether it’s working from the comfort of your home, a cozy coffee shop, or a serene co-working space, the possibilities are endless. Yet, with this newfound freedom comes the need for discipline and adaptability to ensure productivity and performance remain top-notch. 

Cultivating Remote Productivity 

One of the key challenges of remote work is maintaining productivity amidst the myriad distractions and temptations of home life. To unlock your full potential in a remote setting, it’s essential to cultivate habits and strategies that enhance focus and efficiency. 

  • Create a Dedicated Workspace: Designate a specific area in your home as your workspace, free from distractions and conducive to productivity. Whether it’s a corner of your living room or a spare bedroom-turned-office, having a dedicated workspace helps signal to your brain that it’s time to focus and get to work. 
  • Establish a Routine: Structure your day with a consistent routine that includes set working hours, breaks, and designated time for tasks. By establishing a rhythm to your day, you can maintain a sense of normalcy and keep procrastination at bay. 
  • Set Clear Goals and Priorities: Outline your objectives for the day or week and prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. Setting clear goals helps maintain focus and ensures you’re making progress towards your objectives. 

Balancing Work and Life 

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for overall well-being and long-term sustainability, especially in a remote work environment where the lines between work and personal life can easily blur. 

  • Establish Boundaries: Set boundaries between work and personal time by defining clear start and end times for your workday. Communicate these boundaries to your colleagues and resist the temptation to check work emails or messages outside of designated hours. 
  • Take Regular Breaks: Incorporate regular breaks into your schedule to recharge and avoid burnout. Whether it’s a quick walk around the block, a meditation session, or simply stepping away from your screen to stretch, breaks are essential for maintaining focus and productivity. 
  • Prioritize Self-Care: Make time for activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul outside of work. Whether it’s exercising, spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies, or simply relaxing and unwinding, self-care is non-negotiable for maintaining balance and well-being. 

Fostering Virtual Collaboration 

In a remote work environment, effective communication and collaboration are more important than ever. Here are some tips for fostering collaboration and connection in a virtual setting: 

  • Use Collaboration Tools: Leverage technology to facilitate communication and collaboration with your remote team. Whether it’s video conferencing platforms like Zoom or Slack for instant messaging and file sharing, using the right tools can streamline communication and enhance collaboration. 
  • Schedule Regular Check-Ins: Maintain regular communication with your team through scheduled check-ins, team meetings, and one-on-one discussions. These interactions help foster a sense of connection and ensure everyone is aligned on goals and priorities. 
  • Promote Transparency and Accountability: Foster a culture of transparency and accountability within your team by clearly communicating expectations, deadlines, and responsibilities. Encourage open communication and feedback to promote trust and collaboration among team members. 

Embracing the Digital Nomad Lifestyle 

For some remote workers, the allure of the digital nomad lifestyle beckons—an opportunity to combine work with travel and explore the world while earning a living. While the digital nomad lifestyle offers unparalleled freedom and adventure, it also requires careful planning, organization, and adaptability to ensure success. 

  • Plan Ahead: Before embarking on your digital nomad journey, carefully plan your itinerary, including accommodation, transportation, and reliable internet access. Research visa requirements, local customs, and safety considerations for each destination to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. 
  • Stay Organized: Maintain a sense of organization and structure while on the road by keeping track of deadlines, appointments, and travel arrangements. Utilize digital tools such as calendar apps, task managers, and expense trackers to stay on top of your responsibilities and commitments. 
  • Stay Connected: Despite the physical distance, stay connected with your remote team and clients through regular communication and updates. Schedule virtual meetings and check-ins to maintain a sense of connection and collaboration, even while on the move. 

Conclusion: Thriving in the Remote Work Era 

In conclusion, the shift to remote work has ushered in a new era of flexibility, freedom, and opportunity for workers around the globe. By cultivating habits and strategies that enhance productivity, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, fostering virtual collaboration, and embracing the digital nomad lifestyle, you can unlock your full potential and thrive in the remote work landscape. So, embrace the remote work revolution, unleash your creativity, and design a work life that brings you joy, fulfillment, and adventure. The possibilities are endless—welcome to the future of work. 

Is stress holding you back? Unlock your full potential with Mental Resilience Mastery. Visit for more!

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Author: David_Nair1
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Posted by on May 15, 2024 in General


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Navigating the Storm A Guide to Mental Health & Well-being in Uncertain Times 

Navigating the Storm A Guide to Mental Health & Well-being in Uncertain Times 

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of mental health and well-being has taken center stage like never before. Although three-plus years since its initial attack, the world still grapples with unprecedented challenges and uncertainties, many find themselves navigating a turbulent sea of emotions, stress, and anxiety. In this era of heightened stress and uncertainty, it’s crucial to prioritize our mental health and well-being like never before. 

Acknowledging the Pain Points 

The past few years have brought forth a myriad of disempowering issues and causes for concern that have taken a toll on our collective mental health. From the fear and uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic to the economic instability, social unrest, and political turmoil, it’s no wonder that many are feeling overwhelmed and emotionally exhausted. 

The prolonged isolation, disruption of routines, financial hardships, and loss of loved ones have only added to the mental health burden, leaving many feeling hopeless, anxious, and depressed. The stigma surrounding mental health issues often compounds the problem, preventing individuals from seeking help and support when they need it most. 

Coping in Times of Crisis 

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, it’s essential to cultivate resilience and develop coping strategies to navigate the stormy seas of life. Coping doesn’t mean merely surviving—it means thriving in the face of adversity and finding strength and solace during the chaos. 

Strategies for Coping with Stress and Anxiety 

Practice Mindfulness: Cultivate mindfulness through practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques. Mindfulness helps anchor us in the present moment, allowing us to observe our thoughts and emotions without judgment and respond to stressors with greater clarity and composure. 
Stay Connected: Maintain social connections with friends, family, and loved ones, even if it’s virtual. Social support is a powerful buffer against stress and anxiety, providing comfort, perspective, and a sense of belonging in times of need. 
Engage in Physical Activity: Exercise is not only beneficial for physical health but also for mental well-being. Engage in regular physical activity such as walking, jogging, yoga, or dancing to release endorphins, reduce stress hormones, and boost mood.
Establish a Routine: Establishing a daily routine can provide structure and stability amidst uncertainty. Set regular wake-up and bedtime hours, schedule meals, breaks, and activities, and prioritize self-care practices to promote a sense of normalcy and control. 

Practicing Self-Care 

Prioritize Sleep: Make sleep a priority by practicing good sleep hygiene habits, such as maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and creating a comfortable sleep environment free from distractions. 
Nourish Your Body: Fuel your body with nutritious foods that nourish your physical and mental well-being. Aim for a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats to support overall health and vitality. 
Engage in Activities You Enjoy: Make time for activities that bring you joy, fulfillment, and relaxation. Whether it’s reading a book, listening to music, gardening, or engaging in creative pursuits, carving out time for hobbies and interests is essential for maintaining a sense of balance and well-being.

Breaking the Stigma 

Breaking the stigma surrounding mental health issues is crucial for creating a culture of openness, acceptance, and support. By sharing our experiences, seeking help when needed, and advocating for mental health awareness and education, we can break down barriers and create a more compassionate and understanding society. 

Conclusion: Navigating the Journey Together 

In conclusion, the rise in mental health and well-being has underscored the importance of prioritizing our emotional and psychological health like never before. By acknowledging the pain points, developing coping strategies, practicing self-care, and breaking the stigma surrounding mental health issues, we can navigate the stormy seas of life with resilience, strength, and compassion. Remember, you are not alone—reach out for support, lean on your loved ones, and remember that brighter days lie ahead. Together, we can weather any storm that comes our way. 

Explore and discover “Navigating the Storm: A Comprehensive Guide to Mental Health & Well-being During Uncertain Times.”

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Author: David_Nair1
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Posted by on May 8, 2024 in Uncategorized


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Thriving Through Adversity: The Power of Mental Resilience in the Corporate World 

Thriving Through Adversity: The Power of Mental Resilience in the Corporate World 

In the fast-paced and ever-changing landscape of the corporate world, challenges are inevitable. From market disruptions to economic downturns, professionals face a multitude of obstacles that can test their resolve and resilience. In such times, mental resilience emerges as a critical asset, empowering individuals and organizations to weather storms and emerge stronger than ever before. What is Mental Resilience? What is its significance in the corporate context? I hope to highlight real-life examples of individuals and organizations that have thrived in the face of adversity. 

What is Mental Resilience  

Mental resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change, and thrive in the face of adversity. It is not about avoiding challenges but rather about facing them head-on with courage, determination, and flexibility. Resilient individuals possess a sense of inner strength and resourcefulness that enables them to navigate challenges effectively, maintain a positive outlook, and persevere in pursuit of their goals. 

Significance in the corporate context. 

In the corporate world, where uncertainty and volatility are constants, mental resilience is a strategic imperative for success. Employees who cultivate mental resilience are better equipped to handle the pressures of the workplace, manage stress effectively, and maintain a high level of performance even in challenging circumstances. Moreover, resilient individuals are more adaptable, innovative, and able to seize opportunities amidst change, positioning themselves and their organizations for long-term success

Emphasizing Facing Challenges Head-On 

Resilience is not about avoiding challenges; it’s about confronting them with courage and determination. Consider the story of Sara, a marketing executive who faced adversity when her company underwent a major restructuring. Instead of succumbing to fear or uncertainty, Sara embraced the challenge, proactively seeking opportunities to contribute to the company’s transformation. Through her resilience and adaptability, Sara not only retained her position but also emerged as a leader within her team, inspiring others with her positive attitude and unwavering commitment. 

Adapting to Adversity 

Adaptability is a hallmark of resilience, allowing individuals to adjust their approach in response to changing circumstances. Take the example of Acme Industries, a manufacturing company that faced a downturn in demand due to a global recession. Instead of resorting to layoffs or cost-cutting measures, Acme Industries pivoted its business model, diversifying into new markets and investing in innovation. By embracing change and adapting to adversity, Acme Industries not only survived the downturn but also emerged stronger and more competitive than ever before. 

Bouncing Back Stronger Than Before 

Resilience enables individuals and organizations to bounce back stronger from setbacks, learn, and grow from adversity. Consider the story of John, an entrepreneur who experienced a series of failed ventures before achieving success with his latest startup. Instead of letting past failures deter him, John used them as learning experiences, refining his approach, and persevering until he achieved his goals. Through his resilience and determination, John not only built a successful business but also inspired others with his resilience and tenacity. 

Concluding Thoughts 

Mental resilience is a cornerstone of success in the corporate world, empowering individuals and organizations to thrive amidst adversity. By embracing challenges, adapting to change, and bouncing back stronger than before, resilient individuals and organizations can navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape with confidence and resilience. As we face the uncertainties of the future, let us cultivate our mental resilience, drawing inspiration from the stories of those who have thrived in the face of adversity. 

Join our and Unlock the Potential of Your Mind!
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Author: David_Nair1
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Posted by on May 1, 2024 in Uncategorized


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The Power in Our Thoughts

Sixty Thousand Thoughts float in and out of our Mind daily.  

Image In – 60000 cars driving into your driveway, or entering your gated community that you live in. What would the entrance be like? Would the watch person at the entrance be able to cope with that flow of traffic, would the flow be smooth and non-chaotic, or would it be just bedlam? 

A similar question is asked, who is that gatekeeper, allowing those thoughts to meander in and out of our mind. 

How strong is that Gatekeeper to stop the unwanted and allow the wanted thoughts in? 

  • What are the thoughts that we need to filter? 
  • What is the filtration process that we go through? 
  • How regularly do we need this filtration process to be in place? 
  • How do we filter it?  
  • Ever thought of any of the above????? 

Friends, our thoughts affect our lives to a greater degree than we ever imagined. Hence, we need to consciously be aware of the dos and don’ts to ensure this hub of the nerve center is well protected and insulated to weather any storm that might come past. 

Sit down for a moment and reflect on the importance of thoughts in your life. As mentioned, earlier sixty thousand thoughts float in and out.  

Man through the industrial age, created roundabouts to manage the flow of vehicles through an intersection. Picture four roads coming to a point, and you have about 50 vehicles per road flowing into that intersection. There will be a chaos. In some cases, an accident or two might happen. So, the solution man found was to create a roundabout to allow for a smooth flow in and out of that intersection with ease.  

Now the same is happening in our mind with 60000 thoughts. Traffic Jams everywhere, heated shout-outs from one thought to another to sheer bedlam, chaotic, hence a buildup of anxiety, tension, anger an endless list of disempowering thoughts. The impact to the person. the levels of our DOSE flow thereby creating a disease that we never ever envisaged we will face, 

Solution, create a roundabout in our brain, alternatively control the flow of that traffic with a powerful Gatekeeper.  

How do we master this pattern of self-control of our thoughts? Simply put practice, practice, practice & never-ending practice. till this skill is under your belt. 

Join our and Unlock the Potential of Your Mind!
Connect with Leaders from other disciplines within our MRM community  

To learn more, Click Here.

Author: David_Nair1
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Posted by on April 24, 2024 in Thoughts


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Empowering Self-Leadership: Navigating the Mind, Body, and Spirit with Purpose 

Empowering Self-Leadership: Navigating the Mind, Body, and Spirit with Purpose 

Leadership is not confined to boardrooms and corporate hierarchies; it begins within us. Every individual is a leader in their unique sense, steering their mind, body, and spirit through the intricacies of personal and professional landscapes.  

Join me on this transformative exploration of self-leadership, where the principles of purpose-driven leadership find resonance in the daily lives of individuals, influencing interactions with friends, family, and business associates. 

Self-leadership is an introspective journey of aligning personal values with individual actions. It involves taking charge of one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, creating a harmonious synergy that influences every aspect of life.  

A self-leader embraces purpose as a guiding principle, shaping decisions and actions with intentionality. 

It is vital to explore the profound influence of self-leadership and its impact on personal relationships. This should be a continuous ongoing exercise.  

Individuals who practice self-leadership cultivate a sense of authenticity, empathy, and resilience. This not only enhances their connections with friends and family but also contributes to a positive and supportive social environment. 

Life is a sine curve journey filled with challenges, trials, and tribulations, coupled with productive outcomes. The best practice of Self-Leadership equips individuals with the tools, templates, exercises, and modalities to navigate individuals through them.  

Whether it’s overcoming personal obstacles, managing relationships, or adapting to changing environments, the principles of purpose-driven self-leadership provide a steady compass. 

The need to recognize that self-leadership is not a compartmentalized concept or a light switch that turns on for a moment and turns off for the next. It is a 24/7 living practice.   

It permeates every facet of an individual’s existence—mind, body, and spirit. By fostering a holistic connection within oneself, individuals experience a profound sense of balance, purpose, and well-being. 

Self-leadership is not only about personal fulfillment; it extends beyond to influence on professional success, which in turn provides for fulfillment in that quadrant of life.  

Individuals who lead themselves with purpose in all four quadrants of their Life bring a heightened level of focus, resilience, and authenticity to their work, contributing positively to their professional endeavours. 

Numerous actionable strategies are available in the marketplace for individuals to embrace self-leadership in their daily lives. These commence from morning rituals, and practices during the day to do before certain tasks, meetings, and how you wind up for the day. To get to know more about this you are welcome to connect with our office and get a lead-up as to how MRM – Mental Resilience Mastery works through the practice. These are complimentary.   

These practices step up from mindfulness practices and goal setting to fostering a purpose-driven mindset, these strategies empower individuals to lead themselves with intention and purpose as they work through every moment of the day. 

The need to address common challenges individuals face in practicing self-leadership, including self-doubt and external pressures. How do you cope with it and combat it such that you are shielded from getting trapped to being a victim of that circumstance.  

Specific practice also provides insights on overcoming these obstacles and staying true to one’s purpose amidst societal expectations and influences. 

We need to be conscious and aware and explore the tangible indicators of success in self-leadership, such as increased self-awareness, enhanced emotional intelligence, and a greater sense of fulfillment. Understanding and practicing one element of the tripod of Emotional Intelligence – Emotional Competency, Emotional Sensitivity, and Emotional Maturity are good matrixes to use as a guide.   

Understanding and measuring these aspects empowers individuals to assess and refine their self-leadership journey continually. 

In conclusion, every individual is a leader, shaping their destiny through the principles of self-leadership. Embracing purpose as a guiding force within oneself not only fosters personal growth but also positively influences the relationships and environments individuals navigate.  

 I invite you to embark on the journey of self-leadership, discovering the transformative power it holds in every interaction, decision, and moment of your life. Together, let’s empower ourselves with purpose-driven self-leadership and redefine what it means to lead within our own unique spheres.  

Visit our website for additional support in empowering self-leadership: navigating the mind, body, and spirit with purpose…
Connect with Leaders from other disciplines within our MRM community  

To learn more, Click Here.

Author: David_Nair1
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Posted by on April 17, 2024 in Uncategorized


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Unlocking the Power Within: A Guide to Achieving Balance and Well-being at Any Age 

Unlocking the Power Within: A Guide to Achieving Balance and Well-being at Any Age 


In today’s fast-paced world, achieving balance and well-being is a universal pursuit that transcends age barriers and often comes at the expense of our well-being.  

However, adults under forty often face unique challenges and pressures that can weigh heavily on their shoulders. As adults under forty juggle career ambitions, personal relationships, and societal expectations, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected from us. Let’s explore why this demographic may feel the weight of these issues more intensely, and how individuals of all ages can navigate the journey to well-being. 

Why Adults Under Forty May Feel the Weight More Intensely: 

Handsome tired young businessman in glasses sitting at the office desk. Looking away. Isolated on white background.

Career Pressures: Adults under forty often feel immense pressure to establish their careers, climb the corporate ladder, or pursue entrepreneurial endeavours. The quest for professional success can consume their thoughts and energy, leaving little room for self-care and personal fulfillment. 

Financial Responsibilities: Many adults under forty are juggling financial responsibilities such as student loan debt, mortgage payments, or supporting young families. The burden of financial stress can take a toll on their mental and emotional well-being, affecting their overall quality of life. 

Social Comparison: With the rise of social media, adults under forty are constantly bombarded with curated images of success, happiness, and perfection. The pressure to measure up to unrealistic standards can lead to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and self-doubt. 

Life Transitions: Adults under forty may be navigating significant life transitions such as marriage, parenthood, or relocation. These transitions bring both excitement and uncertainty, requiring adaptability and resilience to navigate effectively. 

Strategies for Achieving Balance and Well-being at Any Age: 

Clarity of Thought: In a world filled with distractions and noise, clarity of thought is like a beacon guiding us through the chaos. By decluttering our minds and focusing on the present moment, we can gain clarity and perspective. We cultivate clarity of thought by practicing mindfulness techniques such as meditation, journaling, or deep breathing exercises to quiet the noise and tap into your inner wisdom. Clarity of thought empowers us to make informed decisions, solve problems creatively, and communicate effectively.  

Emotional Well-being: Our emotions are the compass that guides us through life’s ups and downs. Cultivating emotional well-being is essential for navigating the challenges of adulthood with grace and resilience. Prioritize emotional well-being by Practicing self-care activities such as exercise, adequate sleep, and healthy eating to nurture your emotional health. Develop resilience and self-awareness to navigate life’s challenges with grace and authenticity. Develop healthy coping mechanisms for managing stress, such as journaling, spending time in nature, or seeking support from loved ones. Remember, emotional well-being is not about avoiding negative emotions but rather embracing them with compassion and self-awareness. 

Physical Health: Our bodies are the vessels that carry us through life’s adventures. Investing in our physical health is essential for achieving our full potential and enjoying life to the fullest. Engage in regular exercise to strengthen your body, improve cardiovascular health, and boost your mood. Fuel your body with nutritious foods that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Get an adequate amount of sleep each night to recharge and rejuvenate. Remember, small lifestyle changes can have a profound impact on your physical well-being and overall quality of life. Prioritize preventive care and listen to your body’s signals to maintain optimal health and vitality. 

Interpersonal Relationships: Human connection is the essence of our existence. Nurturing meaningful relationships with others, and loved ones showing empathy is essential for our happiness and well-being. Communicate openly and honestly with your loved ones, expressing your thoughts, feelings, and needs. Practice active listening and empathy, showing compassion and understanding towards others. Invest time and effort in building and maintaining strong social connections, whether it’s with family, friends, or colleagues. Remember, the bonds we form with others enrich our lives and give us strength during life’s challenges. Cultivate a support network that uplifts and inspires you through life’s ups and downs. 

In conclusion, while adults under forty may feel the weight of balancing career aspirations, financial responsibilities, and societal pressures more intensely, achieving balance and well-being is a journey that spans across all ages It is of utmost importance, to remember, that we have the power to shape our destinies and create lives filled with purpose, passion, and fulfillment. By prioritizing clarity of thought, emotional well-being, physical health, and interpersonal relationships, we can unlock our true potential and live our best lives. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and transformation. Let’s unlock the power within and embrace the limitless possibilities that await us. 

Are you ready to embark on your journey to well-being by unlocking the power within and live a life of balance? Start by incorporating the strategies shared in this blog into your daily routine. Take small, actionable steps towards prioritizing your clarity of thought, emotional well-being, physical health, and interpersonal relationships. Remember, every positive change you make brings you one step closer to the life you desire and deserve. 

Check how this book can unfolds your potential and help in building the REAL YOU.

For further support on achieving balance and well-being, visit our website

To learn more, Click Here.

Author: David_Nair1
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Posted by on April 10, 2024 in Uncategorized


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Have behavioral flexibility for mastery

Have behavioral flexibility for mastery

(Father Daughter Wife Story)

90 / 10 Rule of Life

‘It is amazing what behavior, attitude, and approach towards what you do has such a significant impact on how the outcome turns out.” 

To illustrate this let me share with you this father (John), daughter (Sally), and wife (Suzie) story. It also encompasses what is commonly referred to as the 90 / 10 rule of Life. Picture how a perfectly fantastic day was messed up.  

The 90 /10 Rule  

Put bluntly, the 90 /10 Rule is where: In 10% of life, things happen to us we have no control over these events. While 90% of our life depends on how we react to the things that happen to us. For these, we have total control over our choice of reaction to the things that happen to us.  

Check this case on hand – Imagine at breakfast time in a normal suburban home, John and Suzie with their daughter Sally are sitting at the dining table. Sally turns around quickly to reach out for the Ipad, sitting on the bench. As she does that, she knocks her coffee all over her father John’s white shirt.  

Scenario 1)  

John shouts and yells curses and says “What a clumsy thing to do Sally. Why did you have to reach out for the Ipad and not get up and go to the bench and pick it up. How could you be so clumsy! Now I have to go up and change into another shirt.” John then shouts at his wife, saying it’s your fault, “Why did you leave the coffee so close to the edge of the table!”. He storms upstairs to change his shirt leaving behind a daughter in tears and a wife that is fuming.  

John is leaving home 5 minutes later, and the traffic has picked up. Sally is deeply hurt, grumpy, in the back of the car and totally ignoring him. John drops Sally at school, she is late as assembly had stated and she did not get a chance to talk with her friends prior to assembly. John eventually gets to the office fuming, hot-tempered, and in a state of flux. His boss greets him and tells him “Let’s review that important document we need to deliver today”. Suddenly John’s face went pale and realized in all that rush, he had left the notes on the table in the hallway, at home. He left it out at their table to do a final review during breakfast, but with the chaos at home, that plan went for a toss out the window. Hence John went rushed out without going through the paper or even picking it up. His boss fumed out of his office, yelling at John to go home and pick it up, as it is an important opportunity and a vital client. John returns home to pick up the document. The day proceed with one such mishap after another… John was happy to get home and hit the sack.  

That night the house is a tense angry situation with nobody talking to each other…  

Why did John, Suzy, and Sally have a bad day?  

1) because of the spilled coffee?  

2) because of Sally spilling the coffee.  

3) because of the traffic?  

4) because of his boss and the important meeting?  

5) because of John’s reaction to the spilled coffee?  

Scenario 2)  

In this case, although Sally spills the coffee and looks shocked and concerned. John looks at his shirt, pauses, and looks at his daughter and says, “Oh no I will have to change this shirt. Not to worry darling, I have another one upstairs. Sally in future you need to be a little more careful. It’s only a shirt. Let me get upstairs and change my shirt and be down in a moment.” John hugs Sally pats her on the head and goes and changes his shirt. John comes downstairs, by which time Suzie has Sally in her car taking Sally to school. This gives John a few minutes to glance through the document as planned. He refines the document, makes a couple of more additional notes, and gets into his car to drive to work. There is traffic, but John is in control and focused on the way, running the document delivery in his mind. He is practicing the presentation out loud in the car. John arrives at work, goes to his office settles in, and enters his boss’s office. He delivers a well-thought-through effective presentation. That night he reaches the house, and everybody is sitting at dinner sharing their day, in a happy mood.  

Same story, two different scenarios, they began the same but ended quite differently. The people are the same. Their approach, their attitude, their mindset, and their level of Emotional Quotient, were all different.  


All because of How John chose to react to something that happened to him.  

Ten percent (10%) of life is stuff that happens to you. Ninety percent (90%) depends on your choice of reaction to what has happened to you.  

To learn more, Click Here.

Author: David_Nair1
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Posted by on April 3, 2024 in Uncategorized


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Discovering Fulfillment: A Journey to Finding Meaning in Work 

Discovering Fulfillment: A Journey to Finding Meaning in Work 

In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, many of us find ourselves caught in the monotony of the daily grind. We wake up, go to work, come home, and repeat, this process plant of Life, often without stopping to consider if what we’re doing truly brings us joy and fulfillment. Yet, deep down, we yearn for something more—a sense of PURPOSE that transcends the mundane routine and infuses our lives with meaning. So, how can we embark on a journey to find this elusive sense of fulfillment in our careers, business, relationships, and our spirituality? 

Aligning Values with Work 

One of the fundamental steps in finding meaning in our work is aligning our values with our professional endeavours. This alignment creates a sense of coherence between who we are as individuals and what we do in our professional lives. When our values resonate with the mission and vision of the organizations we work for, our work becomes more than just a means to a pay check—it becomes a reflection of our core beliefs and principles. 

Sarah, one of the participants, from my Purpose Code workshop, worked as a marketing executive, felt increasingly disillusioned with her job despite her success. Over time, she realized that her company’s values, cantered solely on profit maximization, were incongruent with her own deeply held beliefs in sustainability and ethical business practices. Every day, she felt like she was compromising her values for the sake of her career, and it took a toll on her inner self, and it was clawing on her sense of fulfillment, never able to achieve that final contentment, nor acquire that magic feel of Yesses, I have arrived and am at the top of the world. 

Over a period of reflection, Sarah made the bold decision to seek out companies that aligned with her values. After a few months of searching, she landed a position with a socially responsible startup dedicated to environmental conservation. As she immersed in this new job, she was drawn into it and was over time she was receiving contentment Suddenly, her work felt purposeful, and she found renewed passion in her career. By aligning her values with her work, Sarah discovered a deeper sense of fulfillment, contentment, and meaning in her professional life. 

Pursuing Passion Projects 

Another avenue to finding meaning in our work is by pursuing passion projects that ignite our creativity and fuel our sense of purpose. These projects allow us to channel our energy into something we’re truly passionate about, outside the constraints of our regular job responsibilities. Whether it’s volunteering for a cause we care about, starting a side business, or embarking on a creative Endeavor, passion projects enable us to explore our interests and make a meaningful impact on the world around us. 

Another case on hand, Senior Manager for a leading Telecom organisation, Mark who had a passion for continuous education and empowering underserved communities. Despite his demanding job, Mark dedicated his evenings and weekends within Network communities on how to work through in providing relief for the displaced and underprivileged youth in his community. Through his passion project, Mark not only made a tangible impact on the lives of people from all ages, but also rediscovered a sense of purpose, and fulfillment in his Life. This impacted his success and productivity in all the other quadrants of his Life. His side project served as a reminder that work doesn’t have to be confined to the confines of a 9-to-5 job—it can be a vehicle for positive change and personal fulfillment. 

Overcoming Obstacles in the Workplace 

It goes without saying, the journey to finding meaning in our work is not without its challenges. We often encounter obstacles—be it office politics, burnout, or setbacks—that threaten to derail our quest for fulfillment. Yet, it is precisely in the face of these challenges that we have the opportunity to adapt, grow, and evolve. 

Take the example of Mathew, a young entrepreneur who faced numerous setbacks in launching his startup. Despite facing rejection after rejection from investors and encountering technical hurdles along the way, James remained resilient in pursuit of his vision. His unwavering determination and belief in the value of his work ultimately led to the success of his venture, proving that resilience in the face of adversity is key to finding meaning in our careers. 

Embracing Growth and Learning 

In our quest for meaning and fulfillment in our careers, it’s essential to embrace growth and learning as integral parts of the journey. This involves stepping out of our comfort zones, taking on new challenges, and continuously expanding our skills and knowledge. Whether it’s through formal education, mentorship, or hands-on experience, every opportunity for growth brings us closer to realizing our full potential and finding deeper satisfaction in our work. 


The journey to finding meaning in our work is a deeply personal and transformative one. By aligning our values with our professional endeavors, pursuing passion projects, overcoming obstacles, and embracing growth and learning along the way, we can unlock a sense of purpose and fulfillment that transcends the confines of our jobs. So, dare to dream, dare to pursue your passions, and dare to find meaning in every moment of your professional journey. After all, true fulfillment lies not in the destination but in the journey itself. 

Top of Form 

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Author: David_Nair1


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Posted by on March 27, 2024 in Uncategorized


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Mother’s advice – The Power Of Association  

Mother’s advice – The Power Of Association  

How many of us recall when we were kids, our mums would encourage us to connect, go play with certain kids, and frown on us playing with other kids. Mum was our filter, our selection screen as to who to hang out with.  Back then, we never understood Why? Many years down the road we understand what our mum was doing and the impact it could and did have on our future. This topic is very close to us at IXL Incorporated, what we talk about in a segment called Obsessed learning – “follow your mother advise” – Your Associative power (Recall it).  
As a child, I often questioned why my mom was so particular about the friends I spent time with. I remember one instance when she encouraged me to play with a group of kids who were always focused on their studies and had big dreams for the future. At the time, I couldn’t understand why she was so insistent. However, as I grew older, I realized that the positive influence of those friends played a significant role in shaping my mindset and aspirations. 

On the flip side, I also recall a time when my mom expressed concerns about a friend whose negative attitude seemed to overshadow everything else. Despite my initial resistance, I eventually realized the detrimental impact this friendship was having on my own outlook on life. With my mom’s guidance, I made the tough decision to distance myself from that toxic relationship, ultimately reclaiming control over my happiness and well-being. 

Jim Rohn, mentor to many of the top motivational speakers and Self-Help authors including Tony Robbins speaks about association power and classifies it into three major categories.  

  Many would have heard, Jim Rohn says, you become an average of the five people you associate with most. The people we spend our time with determine what conversations dominate our attention, and what observations, attitudes, and opinions we repetitively are introduced to. It’s frightening to note, the less than inspired seems to be able to attract more, than the high achievers.  

Jim Rohn’s teachings on the power of association resonated deeply with me. I’ve seen firsthand how the people we surround ourselves with can influence our thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Inspired by his insights, I’ve learned to evaluate my associations and make intentional choices about who I spend my time with. 

How often have we observed people at work, people at home, part/flexi-time employee’s – like-minded gets drawn to likeminded. What they do with their time, in most cases, the less empowered seems to be the draw cart to the others, as it easier and more comfortable to move downwards than to stretch unless the empowered is strong-willed and powered with strong unfaltering self-discipline to stay empowered rather than be draw down.  

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned is the importance of surrounding myself with positive, motivated individuals. By seeking out associations that uplift and inspire me, I’ve been able to create an environment conducive to personal growth and success. Whether it’s joining professional organizations, attending networking events, or simply spending time with like-minded individuals, I’ve found that investing in positive connections is key to achieving my goals. 

Spend your time with a team of high-achievers and you’ll be inspired to stretch for your next accomplishment, be it in your business, finances, or personal agenda. On the converse, hang out with people who are “less than inspired” and you could quickly find yourself stagnant.  

 Evaluate and shift your associations into 3 categories, and you decide what you would like to do with those disempowering associates. 


1. Disassociation  

There are some people you might need to break away from completely — these are negative, toxic people who infect you with their bad attitude, and their idle gossips. People with no purpose – just exist. It’s difficult to ignore someone and their negative influences but doing so will put YOU in control of deciding the quality of life you want to have. Then surround yourself with the people who represent and support that vision.  


2. Limited Associations  

There are some people who you can spend three hours with, but not three days. Others you can spend three minutes with, but not three hours. Decide how much you can “afford” to be influenced, based on how those people represent themselves.  


3. Expanded Associations  

Whatever area of your life you want to see improvement in, find someone who represents the success you want, the skills you want, and the lifestyle you want, and spend more time with those people. Join organizations, clubs, businesses, and health clubs where these people are and make friends. “Always remember you are the sum total of your associative power.”  

 Decide who of your friends are the best influences and make more time for them; it’s an investment of time that will prove profitable.  

As I sit here reflecting on the tapestry of my life, I realize it’s not just a fabric of happenstance but a deliberate quilt of associations. Each square represents a person who has influenced me, from my mother’s wisdom to the friends who have inspired my ambitions. To anyone reading this, I encourage you to look at your own quilt. Who has added color to your life? Whose patterns have shaped your journey? Choose those who help you create a masterpiece, and together, stitch a beautiful future. 

Have a wonderful Life……… 

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Posted by on March 20, 2024 in Uncategorized


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Crafting a Lasting Legacy: The Power of Impactful Perspectives 

Crafting a Lasting Legacy: The Power of Impactful Perspectives 

In the tapestry of human existence, few concepts hold as much significance as legacy and impact. These two pillars guide our actions, shape our decisions, and influence the mark we leave on the world. The interplay between legacy and impact offers a profound insight into the essence of our lives, illuminating the journey from personal growth to far-reaching influence. 

Legacy: Beyond the Material 

Legacy is often associated with material possessions or inheritance. However, it extends far beyond that. At its core, legacy encompasses the values, principles, and experiences we pass down to future generations. It’s the echo of our existence that resonates through time. Our legacy is the impression we leave on the hearts and minds of those who follow in our footsteps. 

To craft a meaningful legacy, we must focus on the intangible gifts we bestow—lessons learned, wisdom gained, and the impact of our actions. It’s a reminder that our actions today shape the narratives of tomorrow. From the smallest gestures to the grandest achievements, each contributes to the mosaic of our legacy. 

Impact: The Ripple Effect 

Impact is the force behind the ripples of change that emanate from our actions. It’s the catalyst that propels our legacy forward. Every decision, and every interaction, has the potential to create a chain reaction of positivity. A kind word can inspire, a selfless act can spark change, and a visionary idea can transform lives. 

Our perspective on impact shapes how we approach each day. When we recognize that even the smallest gestures hold the potential to create profound change, we’re empowered to infuse purpose into every moment. It’s a reminder that impact isn’t limited to grand gestures—it’s the consistent, intentional efforts that accumulate over time. 

The Interplay: A Holistic Approach 

Legacy and impact are interconnected. Our legacy is the canvas on which our impact is painted, and our impact shapes the narrative of our legacy. It’s a holistic approach to living—a recognition that our lives are part of a larger tapestry, woven together by the choices we make and the lives we touch. 

When we adopt a perspective that values both legacy and impact, our actions become intentional and guided by a higher purpose. It’s an invitation to live in alignment with our values, to seek opportunities for positive change, and to leave a mark that extends beyond our physical presence. 

Conclusion: Leaving Footprints of Significance 

In the grand symphony of existence, legacy, and impact compose the melody that lingers long after we’re gone. The perspective we adopt influences the notes we contribute to this symphony. By embracing a holistic understanding of legacy and impact, we’re invited to live with intention, to cultivate meaningful relationships, and to be catalysts for positive change. 

As we journey through life, let us remember that our legacy is not solely defined by what we possess, but by the lives we’ve touched and the world we’ve enriched. Impact, guided by purpose, magnifies the beauty of our legacy. Together, they craft a narrative of significance that resonates far beyond our time, leaving footprints of inspiration for generations to come. 

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Posted by on March 14, 2024 in Uncategorized


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